Friday, September 4, 2009

Close Study of Text (Module B) - Notes from 2008 Marking Centre

Section II – Module B: Close Study of Text

General Comments
There were a number of paths candidates could take to answer the question and those candidates who discriminated in their selection of supporting evidence were more highly rewarded. Many candidates demonstrated genuine engagement and they responded personally to the issues raised in the text and focused on a broad range of concerns rather than being limited to any one aspect.

Better responses demonstrated a deep understanding of the central concerns of the text, detailed textual knowledge, and skilful analysis. They exhibited the capacity to synthesise the central concerns of the text with the closing section of each text. They also demonstrated genuine engagement with the text and their arguments were thorough, fluently expressed and well developed. The metalanguage for each text type was used appropriately in these responses and they demonstrated clearly a confidence in selection of evidence to support a well-structured argument.
Weaker responses reflected an inability to move beyond recount and assertion rather than demonstrate argument and analysis. Some of these weaker responses struggled to show understanding of the closing section of their text or to link it to the text’s central concerns.

The majority of responses showed a satisfactory control of language conventions and most knew their texts well. Most candidates demonstrated clearly that they were engaged in a close study of the text. Candidates are reminded that related texts are not required in this module.

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